CSP14 Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST Warwickshire

This kit makes a model of the last complete steam locomotive built by this famous Leeds firm of Manning and Wardle. It was assembled using standard parts from various other classes, but the loco is visually similar to the standard "Q" class. The loco carried works No. 2047. In 1926 it was delivered to Rugby Portland Cement Co Ltd at their New Bilton Works. It was withdrawn from use in 1966 and in 1967 it went to Bridgnorth for preservation. It was named "Warwickshire" in 1970 and the nameplates are in the kit. Kit no CSAG 15 is a similar loco but this kit can be used to make any number of similar Manning-Wardle locos.


In order to complete this kit you will require the following parts: -

Wheels and Axles – we supply Alan Gibson but can provide Markits, if they have them available. If you would prefer Markits wheels please ensure you let us know.

Crankpins - to suit the make of wheels.

Gearbox – High Level is our standard. Some kits do include a motor mounting etch which is suitable for Markits 38:1 gears (our stocks of gears are exhausted). Etch is available on request, while stocks last.

Motor – with the demise of Mashima motors we have sourced a suitable replacement CORELESS motor that has a special worm produced for the smaller diameter shaft, by Chris Gibbon of High Level. He has been suitably impressed by the motor performance.

The cost of our kit shows a saving compared to purchasing the parts individually.

  • Manufacturer: CSP Models - 4mm Kits

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